Friday, July 24, 2009

Well well... It's been a while!!

Hello all! Time to update this silly Blog of ours... It's been a very busy summer with trips to Colorado/New Mexico with Grandpa Tew, and Uncle and Auntie Welton..., Another baby to add to our long list of wonderful grandchildren, with the birth of Noble, visits from Katie and the boys, and the celebration of our little man Marcus turning the ripe old age of 4, wonderful Fathers day/Birthday party will all my kids at Murray Park, camping up Fairview canyon over the 4th of July weekend with Kistina, John, Landan, Kelsey, Chuck, and Ilene, and several others... amazingly beautiful countryside, and the fishing wasn't too back either, visits from Rhonda's folks and yes even Darrell came, with several fishing trips to Silver Lake Flats, Smithmoorehouse, and willow pond.. We caught our limits pretty much at each with the exception of willow pond, where we had a California fishing experience... what's a CA fishing experience you ask... well it's where you spend money on a license, buy bait, cast and cast and cast and cast... and never catch a thing... We still love to try though don't we Dad and Darrell. I don't think I left anything out... is so... I'll make additions as needed... Just know that I love each of you very much. I don't get to see, or even talk with you enough, but my love for you all is very real and very deep. Just enjoy each day... My moto is "One day at a time" Here are a few select photos for your enjoyment! Love ya! Dad
Second Day of our Trip... visiting Canyonlands National Park

Rhonda at the Indian ruins... these were so amazing! I couldn't believe how well preserved they were.

Another time when Rhonda's small stature came in handy. According to the Park Ranger, the average height of these people was 4'10", so these passages were a bit tight for a big guy like me.

If you'd like to see all the pictures from our trip, just follow this link: and this:

Now for little Nobles update... talk about a little man with hair... and he wasn't wanting for food. He was born weighing 9lbs 1oz, 18.5 inches long. This is Jason's first child. Here he is:

If you'd like to see more, visit:

Much more to come...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

lol it had been like 8 months since you updated that! very cute pics though.