Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Trip to Mexico City

Last week I had the task of traveling to Mexico City for work. Left on Sunday morning, and returned back Saturday. I was supposed to have arrived home Friday night but due to some unfortunate events I did'nt make it home until Saturday... Here's what happened... After a week of all day meeting, in a very different language, and was ready to come home. We were able to schedule it so that we could go and visit the Pyramids outside of Mexico City. They were amazing, and I'll share some photos below. Once done there it was off to the Airport and head home. Our flight was scheduled to leave at 3:45. We got there at 2:00, so in plenty of time. The line moved rather quickly and we were at the ticket counter to check in by 2:30. I handed the man my passport and told him my name... He quickly responded, "Do you have your tour permit?" I said what's that... he said, it's that paper that you got when you entered the country... I'm thinking... oh no.. I left it at the hotel in my room... He said sorry you can't get on the plane without it... So I'm thinking... now what... so I asked, what are my options? He said that you'll have to go to imigration and get another one... for a mere 46.00 us.. ouch again.. so off I went... they were less than helpful.. So I completed the paperwork again and expected to pay there... well that wasn't the case... I had to go to the Mexican bank located downstairs in the airport and then return with the receipt. So I ran, with my bags down to the bank to pay. No one spoke english, so we did our best to communicate... they didn't take american express and that's all I had... so back upstairs I ran, hoping that the rest of my traveling party hadn't gotten on the plane... fortunely for me they were just walking through security... I whistled very loudly to make sure they heard... Sven came back and gave me the 46.00. So I went back to imigration to pay... they again reminded me that I had to pay at the bank and bring a receipt. So off I ran downstairs...all the while thinking I'm going to have a heart attach any minute.. In case you didn't know, Mexico City is at 7300 feet, we here in SLC are at 4300 feet, so that air was much thinner and it was really taking it's toll on me... anyway, I got to the bank, paid the money and they handed my paperwork back to me for review... well the guy had made a typo and it needed to be redone. More precious time passed and the corrected paperwork was handed back and I was on my way running back to imigrations... Finally I had the magic piece of paper and thought finally I could get on the plane... but by the time I got back to the ticket counter, it seemed very quiet and only a few people were there. I said, OK, here's the paper that you requested... they came back and said... sorry you're too late the plane is closed... I'm looking at this guy in complete disbelief, and completely out of breath from all the running... I said, what, it doesn't leave for 25 minutes... he said, sorry and turned and walked away... well I waved to the spanish speaking travel companion who hadn't boarded the plan yet to come here. I showed the guy that we was on the same plane that I was on, showed him his boarding pass... the guy said, you're on, but this man isn't going... What... I said.. that makes no sense at all... Well he didn't care at all... So I told Bruce, go get on the plane, there's no sense in us both missing the flight... He wished me luck and left... I could'nt believe that this was happening... I just stood there... I stood there for a good 10 minutes trying to catch my breath, when one of the ladies waved my over and said, we can get you on a flight to NYC, and then a connection tomorrow morning to SLC, but you'll have to find a place in NYC for the night... I just wanted to get out of there at this point since the next direct flight from Mexico City to SLC wasn't until Sunday... So I took it! Little people with a little power... I was so ticked... so I'm not interested in traveling foreign any time soon..

The Pyramids were amazing!!! I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to visit them... Simply amazing!!!
Now for some photos:

1 comment:

Elder Richey said...

Dad, that really stinks!! You didn't mention all the airport drama on the phone. Wow. Anyway, the pictures look really cool and I'm glad that you were able to see them before you had to deal with all the "excitement." Foreign airports can be so "fun." I remember when mom and I were in Italy and there were guys all over the airport with these huge guns, yikes.